One thing about writing, whether it's poetry, short stories or novels, is having someone to read it and give feedback. Writing.com is one of the longest running websites that I know of that lets a writer of any type of genre get involved. Signup is free and you, the writer, get to develop your own portfolio.
If you've checked out my website you'll see a portfolio link that takes you to my portfolio on writing.com. Yes, if you're curious you can read my attempts at sonnets, free verse, and, let's say, a few other interesting items but that's not why I'm writing today. I just wanted to share this site which is celebrating its fifteenth year of existence.
It allows a person to get involved in writing challenges and contests, receive emails, get feedback on your writing and, if you like to read the work of both newbies and seasoned writers, you have the opportunity to do so. I enjoy reading the work of others and have found a lot of hidden gems that make me realize how talented people are if only they give themselves a chance.
I forgot to mention the writing tools and links that are available to enhance our interests and skills.
The next time you doodle on a napkin, keep it. You might find it's a kernel of an idea that can be developed and lead to something more.