How I Spent My Summer
If you've seen my web page, you've read that I do the majority of my writing on weekends and holidays when school is not in session. This summer has played out a lot like other summers. I did some new writing on the sequel to Strange Reality...that will be my next project now that I have finally as of twenty minutes ago, sent off the proof form for the interior of the book.
Being a novel writer sounds like such a romantic concept as we imagine inspiration flying perfectly onto pages. I wish that were true but after spending uncountable hours proof-reading and making changes over the summer - let's not forget all those holiday weekends and last summer - I'm exhausted. I am also relieved...I'm also dreading when the publisher sends back the corrected proofs because I know I'll re-read all 366 pages to make sure it is perfect before I sign off on it.
It's unlikely that I will receive it back this week. Tough luck as school is in session next week and it will be difficult to fit in the time needed to re-read the proofs. I'll manage though. I am determined that Strange Reality becomes a reality.