No Time
Perhaps, I'm old school. Perhaps, I'm too indoctrinated in what used to be the social norm to even consider walking away from a...
Goodreads Giveaway
To celebrate Canada's 150th birthday I have created a giveaway of 13 books, one for each province and territory. I'm hoping that I will...
Between the Lulls
I've been working on my second novel and am almost at the 70000-word mark. There have been lulls between the writing and then the typing...

Strange Reality is on the shelf from May 25th - July 9th at Indigo on Broadway and Granville, Vancou
I'm guilty of getting waylaid by my job, with all that it entails. Usually from September to June, I do very little writing which is a...
Poetry Prompts
I recently found myself commenting on the use of prompts for writing poetry as a I reviewed a poem that had been based on four specific...
Peace and Quiet with an Occasional Ripple
It's that time of year when we review the year in all of its glory or infamy. Some years pass quietly and others leave their mark. This...
Pressure is a Good Motivator
If you're anything like me, you work full time and squeeze in the writing whenever you can. For me that means, sometimes weekends but...
Putting the White Elephant to Rest
When you write a novel, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel particularly when you are slogging through, seemingly...
Curve Ball
There's that cliché about life throwing you a curve ball and that usually means something drastic is about to hit you square in the face...
Once Upon A Time
Once upon a time there were minions. These minions didn't realize the power that they had within their collective. They had the power...